Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Skill That The Tech India Needs Right Now

Can anyone guess what the highly paid job in India is these days? Not an MBA not an Engineer but a data scientist. The Indian startups are ready to pay sixteen thousand US dollars annually which amounts to more than million Bucks in Indian rupees. While big companies pay fourteen thousand US dollars, Indian startups pay two thousand US dollars more to attract the best data analytics according to a report “Analytics and Big Data Salary Report 2016” which is compiled by online analytical tool called Jigsaw Academy and Analytical Vidhya using information from more than 60,000 analytical professionals. Analytics with more experience get paid more. This demand is the result of demand out-spacing supply. The upcoming startups are going to create thirty thousand jobs across India every year. Gaurav Arora who is the CEO of Jigsaw academy claims that his school has trained forty thousand students in thirty countries. Even in uncertain outlook of commerce and business outlook, data analytics has been on a steady growth. The growth in business analytics market is expected to be 33.2 percent and growth in big data is expected to be 26.4 percent. The difference in software and app development and data science is blurring, there will be a huge requirement for Full Stack Data Developers. This is stated by Kunal Jain who is the founder of Analytics Vidhya and CEO, the startup that gets four hundred and fifty thousand visits from data science professionals. Everyone from unicorns to fledglings seem to be wanting data crunchers.

The Skill That The Tech India Needs Right Now 1

Amazon curates products on customers homepage based on the analytics of previous browsing and purchase habits. Face book fills newsfeeds and updates from people we interact with and the pages we browse based on analytics. According to Puneet Gambhir who is member of flipkart analytical team, analytics help to differentiate and create a better experience for the customers.

The Skill That The Tech India Needs Right Now

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